Opportunity Knocks for High Point Aerotechnologies as Marines Set to Release RFP’s

Setting its sights on the next iteration of its Marine Air Defense Integrated System (MADIS), the Marine Corps is preparing to release a request for proposals with the intent of acquiring new non-kinetic weapons that can destroy enemy unmanned aerial systems. High Point Aerotechnologies, a leading player in the defense technology sector, stands well-positioned to contribute to this endeavor. 

The search for non-kinetic drone weapons is driven by the Marines' growing need to handle an array of complex challenges on the modern battlefield. These non-lethal options can play a crucial role in situations requiring precision, stealth, and minimal collateral damage. Non-kinetic solutions include electronic warfare, cyber, and directed energy tools.

With over 7 years of combat-proven CUAS experience, High Point Aerotechnologies has demonstrated its expertise in UxS and CUAS and is well-positioned to fulfill the Marine’s requirements to detect, track, and defeat autonomous threats from land, air, and sea.

As the Marines embark on this quest for non-kinetic drone weapons, the industry opportunity this presents for innovators like High Point Aerotechnologies not only promises growth and success but also aligns with the broader effort of modernizing the arsenal of the US Marine Corps.


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