
Cutthroat (On-the-move defense)

High Point provides On-the-Move & On-the-Halt and CUxS and integrated force protection for land and maritime forces.

01 Cutthroat Expansionary

02 Cutthroat Mobile

03 Cutthroat Maritime

04 Cutthroat Ruck

Cutthroat Expeditionary


Expeditionary is the most capable line of Cutthroat. Trailer or vehicle-mounted with a ground station, Expeditionary provides capable CUxS and force protection in minutes anywhere on earth.


Cutthroat Mobile


Mobile is a highly versatile family of systems, embedding CUxS and both air and ground surveillance on squad-level vehicles. Mobile is modular and highly adaptable to your mission sets.

Cutthroat Maritime


Maritime is a specially-modified version of Cutthroat designed for the challenges of maritime operations, including integration with naval and shore defense systems.

Cutthroat Maritime

Cutthroat Ruck


A lightweight, mobile or man-portable, situation awareness platform to detect, identify, and track autonomous threats. 

Cutthroat Ruck